On May 14, 2022, the skyline of Birmingham, Alabama, witnessed an extraordinary sight: 75 courageous souls rappelling down the McLeod Software Building in Birmingham. But this wasn't just an adrenaline-pumping adventure; it was a noble endeavor to support at-risk youth in Alabama. This remarkable event was made possible through a collaboration between Second Shift Alabama and Over the Edge.

What is Second Shift?

Before going into the details of the event, let's shed some light on Second Shift. Founded with a vision to assist Alabama's vulnerable youth who are at-risk and aging out of foster care, Second Shift is a beacon of hope. Their mission is clear: to provide guidance, resources, and support to empower these young individuals as they navigate the challenging transition to adulthood. Through mentorship, education, and various programs, Second Shift aims to break the cycle of adversity and foster brighter futures.

Getting Over It: Rappelling for a Cause

The event held on May 14 was nothing short of awe-inspiring. With the picturesque backdrop of the McLeod Software Building, attendees geared up to conquer their fears and make a difference. Each brave soul took on the challenge of rappelling down the seven-story building, fueled by the desire to raise funds and awareness for Second Shift.

Amidst the palpable excitement and nervous anticipation, local celebrities lent their support to the cause. The presence of ABC 33/40 News Anchor Stephen Quinn, Author/Speaker & Dancing With The Stars winner Noah Galloway, and Brittany Decker of WVTM 13 News added a touch of star power to the event, amplifying its reach and impact.

As participants made their way to the rooftop, equipped with harnesses, helmets, and gloves, the anticipation was tangible. The clear skies and panoramic views set the stage for an unforgettable experience. From the top of the building, the world below seemed to shrink, with tiny figures bustling about and distant music adding to the atmosphere.

One by one, the rappelers descended, their courage matched only by their commitment to the cause. With each descent, they raised not only vital funds but also awareness about the challenges faced by at-risk youth in Alabama. And as they touched solid ground, a sense of triumph and camaraderie enveloped the gathering.

Thanks to the collaboration between Second Shift Alabama and Over the Edge, this event was not just a thrilling adventure; it was a testament to the power of collective action and the resilience of the human spirit. By coming together to support a worthy cause, each participant and supporter played a part in shaping a brighter future for Alabama's youth.

As the echoes of cheers and applause faded, what remained was a sense of fulfillment and hope—a reminder that with determination and solidarity, we can overcome any obstacle and uplift those in need.

Birmingham Police SWAT Team participated in Second Shift Over the Edge Event . Rappeler hanging over building ledge
Group photo of Over the Edge safety team with rappelling hear on top of building
man gearing up for decent
portrait of over the edge overseer on top of building with rappelling equipment in background
group of rappelers in orientation on top of McCleod Software building
women getting ready to go over the edge of the McCleod Software building Birmingham
rappeler hanging over the edge of the McCleod Software building Birmingham Alabama
rappeler hanging over the edge of the McCleod Software building Birmingham Alabama
rappeler rappelling  of the McCleod Software building Birmingham Alabama